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About PT. radar telekomunikasi indonesia


To be a superior, innovative and national company that masters competitive technologies for radar, telecommunication and electronic product as well as produces quality products according to technologies development. PRODUCTS.


PT. RTI becomes a superior company in the field of radar, telecommunication and electronic technologies, makes innovative products according to the technological advances and conforms to the intellectual property rights (IPR). To be able to compete with national and international companies. To create professional and high quality products in telecommunications, defense electronics, and services related with these products.

Established since February 5, 2016, registered with the Kementerian Pertahanan as Industri Pertahanan (Indhan) with a stipulation number: SP / 94 / 1X / 2020 / DJPOT in 2020. In addition, it is also registered with ISO 9001: 2015 for manufacturing, design and fabrication of equipment. Telecommunication, Radar, Electronics and Information. PT. Radar Telekomunikasi Indonesia (RTI) was founded by a group of Researchers and Engineer graduates who have abilities in the fields of Radar Technology, Telecommunications and Electronics in Various Universities.

The purpose of establishing PT. Radar Telekomunikasi Indonesia (RTI) is to implement the results of research and the work of Indonesian children that are able to produce real products and works that are used in industry, society and government at the national and international levels with local content, high levels of Tingkat Kandungan Dalam Negeri (TKDN). The high demand for Radar, Telecommunications and Electronics products in Indonesia where currently most of the products imported from abroad encourage us to contribute to the development of national products in the fields of radar, telecommunications and electronics.

This product can be used for civilian applications as well as for defense and security. The independence of national strategic products must be strengthened so as to reduce dependence on other products and countries. PT. Radar Telekomunikasi Indonesia (RTI) Has a lot of experience in the field of Radar, such as procuring LPI Radar for TNI Angkatan Laut, Coastal Radar for the TNI Angkatan Laut, Air Defense Radar for TNI Angkatan Darat, Weapon Locating Radar for TNI Angkatan Darat, and many more. others in the fields of radar and telecommunications and defense electronics. PT. Radar Telekomunikasi Indonesia (RTI) has facilities and measuring instruments to support radar and telecommunication activities, both for research and development and procurement.

What We Do ?

Express your ideas and needs on how the technology will work and the processes that need to be in it.

Our team will help you to determine the best that suits your needs, timeline and budget.

Military Technology

Military Technology is the application of technology for use in warfare.

Disaster Technology

Disaster Technology is technology that aims to prevent and reduce the impact of disasters.

Radar Technology

Radar Technology is a detection system that uses radio waves to determine the range, angle, or velocity of objects.


Telecommunications Engineering is an engineering discipline centered on electrical and computer engineering which seeks to support and enhance telecommunication systems.

Security System

It is literally a means or method by which something is secured through a system of interworking components and devices.

Research & Development

is a Research and Development activity, and has commercial interests in relation to pure scientific research and applied development in the field of technology.



SS5K-01A (2400~2800Hz 5KW HPA)


UX00-01A (125MHz to 9GHz Up/Down Converter)


UX00-02A (125MHz to 9GHz Up Converter)


US00-01A (125MHz to 3GHz Up Converter)


TS00-02A (125MHz to 3GHz Up/Down Converter)


AX80-01A (9200~9500Hz 80W HPA)


AX2H-01A (9200~9500Hz 280W HPA)


AS10-01A (1160~1254MHz, 1563~1610MHz 10W Dual band HPA)


AS3H-01A (2900~3100Hz 320W HPA)


AS1H-01A (2400~2485Hz 100W HPA)


AL50-02A (433~435MHz, 902~928MHz 50W Dual band HPA)


AC10-01A (5030~5850MHz 30W HPA)


AC1H-01A (5150~5850Hz 100W HPA)


Radar LPI X-Band

Low Probability of Intercept

Cantaka Radar Navigasi

Radar Navigasi - RTI003 + AIS (Short, Middle, Long) Range


Electronic Support Measure - Electronic Intelligence

Coastal Radar S-Band

Portable Radar FM-CW

Manpack radar

Ground Radar

Radar Surveillance ARHANUD Tahap III

Radar Surveillance

Weapon Locating Radar ARMED Tahap 1

Locating Radar

Radar Deteksi Gejala Kelainan Paru

Radar FMCW

Portable Ground Coastal Surveillance Radar

Ground Radar, Coastal Radar


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Jl. Mandolin 07, Turangga, Lengkong Bandung


+62 22 73518475